Revolutionize Your Understanding
of Human Movement
Chain Reaction® is the longest-running live seminar on how the body functions as an interconnected whole.
Identify the Root Causes of Common Injuries/ Dysfunctions
Bridge the Gap Between Traditional Education & Real Life Function
Earn CEU’s that Actually Impact Your Daily Work
Course Benefits

Understand the Root Causes
of Injuries/Dysfunctions

Learn to Identify, Treat & Train,
& Prevent Injuries/Dysfunctions

Gain Access to Exclusive
Resources & Course Materials

Chain Reaction® is
CEU Eligible
Chain Reaction® Biomechanics Seminar with Dr. Gary Gray (the “Father of Function”)
Chain Reaction® is a live seminar for any and all professionals who desire more tools in their toolbox to better serve their patients, clients, and athletes in the areas of Prevention, Performance, and Rehabilitation.
Chain Reaction® empowers you to understand how the body moves in all three planes of motion as an inter-connected whole, rather than as isolated pieces. This course will dramatically bridge the gaps of traditional education.
Register to Attend
Location: Catamaran Resort Hotel & Spa | San Diego, CA
Chain Reaction®
Location: Donald E. Stevens Convention Center | Rosemont, IL
Chain Reaction®
There is nothing better than a common experience to unite people. We've partnered with thousands of organizations that wanted their teams to take part in engaging, reliable, practical, and applicable training together.
Let us help you plan your very own live event experience! Get started with our Live Event Planning Guide, complete the form, and add a note requesting information on hosting a Chain Reaction seminar.
Find Out Why Chain Reaction® is the Longest
Running Seminar in the Movement Industry
Unfortunately, there’s almost always a gap between what’s learned in the classroom and what takes place in the clinic. We too feel something’s missing between the education many of us received and the experiences we have with patients and clients. Chain Reaction® seminar is our most enduring experience designed to help you find what’s missing in your understanding of human movement and accelerate your career.
This Live 2-Day Event will transform your understanding of how the body moves on all three planes of motion as an inter-connected whole, rather than as isolated pieces. Grasping how the body functions as a chain reaction will empower you to assess, treat and train, rehab and prevent injuries so your clients achieve their individual outcomes faster. What’s more, you’ll have the tools to identify the root causes of dysfunction in the body so you get to the heart of the matter faster.
Getting started is simple. First, download the FREE Gray Institute App and start by checking out the webinars for all of our available courses. Next, Register for Chain Reaction®, and find the missing piece to your accelerate your career!
Getting Started is Simple.
Step 1:
Register for
Chain Reaction
Step 2:
Join Us for the
Longest-Running Seminar
in the Movement Industry
Step 3:
Become the Go-To
Movement Professional
in your Area of Service
Earn CEU’s
Chain Reaction® is approved for Continuing Education Credits through:
ACE - 1.8 CECs
AFAA - 15 CEUs
NASM - 1.8 CEUs
NATA - BOC - 16.5 CE Hrs (Category A)
NSCA - 1.6 CEUs (Category A)
PTA Global - 16.5 CECs
If you don’t see your State or Organization listed, please contact info@grayinstitute.com.
*This course content is not intended for use by any participants outside the scope of their license or regulation.
Physical Therapy Associations
Gray Institute® is approved for 16 Contact Hours (LIVE) in the following states
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
Ohio-16.5 CEUs,Texas-16.5 CCUs, Minnesota-15 CE Hrs., Illinois-16 CE Hrs

The gap between what we learned in school and what we learn with people can be frustrating.
Join the longest running seminar in the movement industry and find what's missing.
Have questions or want to know more about how Chain Reaction® can help you to grow you in your profession?
Contact us and one of our teammates will be in touch with you promptly!